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History of Chelten Hills Club

Founded on February 7, 1946 by 10 men, the club was originally called the Germantown HO Engineers. The meeting place was the second floor of a paint store in the Germantown section of Philadelphia, PA. The first layout was completed in June, 1946. About a month later the club moved to new quarters located in the basement of the Pennsylvania Railroad signal tower in the Chestnut Hill part of Philadelphia, PA. There the layout was again set up. In 1952 a new layout was started. Track work was completed in 1955, but scenery and revisions continued until mid-1961. We were moving again. Dismantling began right after our Open House in December, 1961 and re-building began in Elkins Park, PA. in early 1962.
Because we were now so far from Germantown, we changed our group name to The Chelten Hills Model Railroad Club; and called our railroad The Penn Falls Railroad.

History of Building

Built by the North Pennsylvania railroad as the Old York road station prior to 1855. The railroad started operating July 3, 1855 from Tioga street, Philadelphia to Gwynedd, PA with a total of 14 stations. This station was later renamed to Ogontz station. The North Pennsylvania railroad was bought out by the Philadelphia and Reading railroad May 14, 1879. Later renamed The Reading railroad.

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